The Norsey Wood Society works closely with Basildon Borough Council, the owners of Norsey Wood Nature Reserve, an ancient woodland which is also a Site of Special Scientific Interest on the edge of Billericay in Essex, UK

Rangers Work Parties

Basildon Council's Weekly Volunteer Work Party

A working party of volunteers meets every Thursday morning from 09.15am until about 11.30am. They undertake a variety of seasonal tasks under the direction of Basildon Council's warden. The tasks are designed to maintain and develop the greatest variety of woodland wildlife habitats and enable safe public access whilst, as far as possible, protecting wildlife from disturbance by people and dogs.

These tasks are many and varied, and include:
  • Clearing newly coppiced sites of the smaller material in January/February, building deadhedges to protect the newly exposed woodland floor from disturbance so that, initially, woodland flowers including bluebells can regenerate whilst the coppiced stools regrow providing a succession of wildlife habitats over the next 20+ years until the next coppicing cycle.
  • Path maintenance is continuous including cutting back the margins not only to enable public access but also to allow light to encourage wildflowers which provide food and shelter for butterflies from March to October and other insects. Recently rides have been widened and ‘scallops’ cut alongside paths to create microclimates attractive to insects especially butterflies and dragon/damselflies, and the birds which feed on insects,
  • Bridges and other woodland furniture such as signs, fencing around the picnic areas, benches and trail markers require maintenance and, occasionally, renewal. Over the last couple of years log walls have been constructed near the car park as large bug hotels.
  • The woodland contains several ponds which require light and sensitive maintenance to encourage dragon and damselflies and the host of small amphibians and reptiles which are rarely seen but are vital to the biodiversity of this ancient woodland.

Some volunteers apply skills from their work or hobbies, some attend occasionally, all enjoy a couple of hours in the open air and a monthly social gathering. Age is no barrier provided you are over 18, and volunteers only do what they feel comfortable doing. Equipment, gloves and hard-hats are provided so volunteers simply arrive suitably clothed for outdoor work, especially suitable footwear.

If you would like to help please come along to the workshop forecourt in front of the wood yard off the car park at 09.15, when the volunteers meet to hear which tasks will be tackled that morning.

See the pictures below for just a selection of the projects undertaken by the Volunteer Work Party.
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